Sunday, December 23, 2012

Padang Bai

Back in Padang Bai. It feels good.
A two and a half hour trip, but the price was right. We went to Benoa (an Aussie surfer heading for Lembongan), Ubud and changed buses to get here. There were only 8 people on the bus, some going to Ubud, others to Lavina. Just me and a German couple going to Padang Bai.
I had a chat with the owner when I booked in at the Padangbai Beach Inn (250,000 rupiah for 2 nights), and they seem to be a bit of a slump business-wise. Only two guests including me today, none the day before, and three the day before that. Not bad enough for them to negotiate on price though, not that I tried real hard, I feel a bit sorry for them.
Having a delicious Nasi Campur at the Topi Inn (40,000 rupiah) right now.

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