Monday, December 24, 2012

A change of plans

Wikitravel has this to say about southwest Lombok:
Try to keep off the roads at night and avoid travelling in the more remote areas on your own.
I'm going to be prudent and take this advice. There isn't much of a public transport network either. I'm just going to head straight to Lombok Kuta.

Wikitravel has this to say about Lembar (the port I'll arrive in):
From Lembar Harbour the price to Kuta must be negotiated in advance, or you may insist the taxi driver uses a meter. Competition is fierce and porters will often place your luggage in a taxi prior to settling the price. Assertive behavior can insure you choose the taxi and the price that suits your needs.
I'd rather avoid this hassle and get a shuttle but they have a minimum of two passengers. I'll know for sure tonight whether anyone else has booked. Otherwise, I'll just have to bite the bullet and display assertive behavior.

Wikitravel has this to say about the ferry I'll be traveling on:
This service runs 24 hours a day. It should be understood that this ferry has a poor safety record.
I can attest to this. I went for a swim at Litte Bay this morning and was greeted with an unexpected sight as I crested the hill. A ferry. I spoke to one of the warung owners about what happened. He said that last week there was a 'Black moon'. They had loaded up all the vehicles and passengers and headed out into the night. They weren't far out from the dock when a large wave hit them and flooded the engines. They were crippled and beginning to sink, so they decided to beach it on the sand. No-one was hurt but it must have been pretty terrifying as they headed towards the rocks.
I'll be traveling during the day, probably sitting near an emergency exit.


  1. Wow, I forgot about how crazy Indonesia is! Lad you are sticking to a relaxing path.... Itis Christmas after all.... Avoid hassles at all cost. Merry Christmas Daddy, hope you are having a feast and have met some fun new friends xx

  2. Hi mike glad you are ok hope you have a merry Christmas love from all at shack tx

  3. Merry Christmas to you from my time zone.
